Month: July 2005

more origami octagonal twist photos

I uploaded a pile of photos of octagonal origami twists in various states of construction. nothing fancy, just a bunch of snaps that I was taking while playing around with some folds in case I “broke” something and had to go back to photos for reference. they are located at a semi-permament (until I get a new gallery template) location:

John McKeever folds the spread hexagon tessellation!

Wow, I was browsing some of my favorite origami sites checking for updates and I saw this: I was so pleased! John McKeever’s tessellation and other origami work are just mind blowing, so needless to say I felt quite happy to see him fold one of my patterns. It pales in comparison to his other folds, though. check them out! and in case you’ve stumbled across this from the big bad internet, here’s a link to the instructions for the Spread Hexagon Tessellation at (sorry for the gratuitous plug there, but I figured more info is better than less info…)

New octagonal twist diagrams!

open back octagonal twist, backlit Originally uploaded by Origomi. Diagrams for this simple octagonal twist are available online at: it’s a simple model, just sharing it for the fun of it more than anything. take a look!