Month: October 2005

offset hex twist (p6m) sketch

offset hex twist (p6m) sketch Originally uploaded by Ori-gomi. I’ve folded this design already, and I thought I’d try to diagram it since it looks quite interesting. I’m not sure how one really diagrams or documents the folding process for this sort of thing; while it’s relatively easy, it’s also repetitive and time consuming, so it’s difficult to know quite how to approach it. anyway, this was my starting point. included below is the flickr commentary. ———- started working today on a diagram set for a relatively complicated (p6m) tessellation; it’s an interesting thing to fold, although rather time consuming. I have a folded model that is awaiting some time to be photographed properly. the most interesting part of this design, to me, is the fact that while the top side displays very obvious characteristics of the (p6m) tiling design, the flip side of it is the dual fold of this same tiling, exactly! it is pretty neat to see that take shape in one folded pattern. the top side info is seen …

log hex star sketch

log hex star sketch Originally uploaded by Ori-gomi. some ideas that I’m working on; here’s the flickr post in it’s entirety.——— playing around with some ideas, and this is one of them… I think I can put together a hexagonal tower of triangles, based on some logarithmic scaling (which shouldn’t even require measuring or anything else to accomplish!) I’m thinking it might turn out like one of those “flower towers” I have heard of but never seen; who knows? regardless, if it’s something I figure out on my own, then I’m claiming it as my own… (that assumes I get around to folding it, though!) if I can get it to pull together, it might be a nice part of a larger tessellated pattern.

Kodak creates self-lighting backlit paper!

Backlit prints Imagine wallpaper that switches on to brighten the room, or floor tiles that glow underfoot, or even a photo album with pictures that glow on demand. Kodak researchers in Rochester, New York, US, have been doing a lot more than imagining. Recently filed patents reveal how photographic prints, or inkjet printing paper, can be made to self-illuminate. Kodak’s new paper has a backing sheet made from a three-layer sandwich. A thin metallic sheet is coated with a smooth layer of white-light phosphor, similar to that used in a black and white TV tube, and the phosphor layer is topped with a transparent metal film. The backing sandwich is then either coated with the silver halide chemicals used to make conventional photo prints, or the dye absorbing layers used for inkjet printing paper. Polymer glues hold the layers together, add strength and seal against atmospheric damp. When electrical current flows from one metal layer, through the phosphor powder, to the other metal layer, a glow is produced. This provides a uniform backlighting for the …

non-origami, but interesting!

So, lately I came across an interesting guy on flickr- NRG78. he’s quite a jack of all trades, and does lots of interesting stuff. he has an interesting blog, at: worth checking out. lots of varied interests, and definitely is “with it” when it comes to the newly expanding digital world, etc.