Month: January 2006

links for 2006-01-10

DOFI-BLOG どふぃぶろぐ- すなめ世界(WORLD OF SAND) 公開- Fun java game featuring sand, slugs, and gravity. very silly, rather fun. (tags: flash japanese java game fun) Paper Floor Lamp: “Morning Glory Floor Lamp” by Diana Harrison very interesting lamp made of cast unryu paper. folding idea? (tags: unryu paper art lamp)

Origami Joel on flickr!

mask 4b Originally uploaded by origami joel. I’m pleased as punch to see Joel Cooper joining the ranks of origami folders on Flickr. So take a look at his current photos, subscribe to an RSS feed so you see anything new posted, or join Flickr yourself and add him as a contact, so you see any of his photos show up in your daily feed or “home page” on flickr. Also, don’t hesitate to check out the great origami community we have going on over here, at both the Origami Tessellations group and the Folding Freaks Origami group! Joel’s user page, as linked above, is here: if you are a member of Flickr, you can send him a message through their messaging facility. Useful in case you’re looking to get a hold of him, too. He’s got some amazingly impressive tessellation work that I’m excited to see. very good stuff!

links for 2006-01-08

Spundreams Picture Gallery :: Andy’s Pictures newer location for Andy WIlson’s origami photos. Extremely impressive origami tessellation work here, especially with glassine paper. (tags: origami tessellations paperfolding papiroflexia andywilson photos)

links for 2006-01-07

deviantART: guspath’s Gallery nice page with photos from Go Guspath, primarily of original origami creations. some nice work here! (tags: origami photos gallery guspath) 斜め45度折りによる建築物 interesting paperfolding craft/origami idea- simple way to fold a 3d block shape into a flat plane. check out the pyramid of blocks, near the bottom. (tags: origami paperfolding papercraft pepakura japanese) Mrtn Directory – japanese origami/craft blog Japanese blog featuring origami, papercrafts, and other crafty goodies. some really neat ideas here. (tags: origami papercraft paperfolding pepakura japanese blog) 過去の表紙 japanese blog w/ many geometry focused ideas- origami, paperfolding, knots, artwork, etc. (tags: origami geometry chemistry mathematics math paperfolding papercraft knots sculpture japanese)

Hideo Komatsu website update

Hideo Komatsu has updated his website – with greatly improved navigation, photo links, and descriptions. I am a huge fan of his work, and a regular reader of his blog; it’s great to see the two linked together more closely now, as well. Thank you, Komatsu-san, for all your hard work, and your willingness to share your wonderful designs with the rest of us. It is deeply appreciated. his latest design, which I hadn’t seen before today: a Sheep Babelfish translated link here, for the english version. Babelfish does a horrendous job of translating Japanese, so I’d almost just recommend to not bother, but it’s your decision to make.