Pentagonal tiling ideas Originally uploaded by Ori-gomi. I’ve been trying some different ideas with pentagonal tilings as of late, and this is one of the more successful ideas that came out of the exploration. It reminds me a lot of a pattern made by Melisande: butterfly tessellation (on flickr.) You can see my attempts to recreate the original pattern using voronoi tessellations here: which I also mentioned on this blog post a few days ago. ah- you can also see Melisande’s folded version here: Anyway, I had shelved the ideas for the time being, as my efforts to obtain the proper tiling using that particular set of angles was proving to be infuriating; things like 105 degree angles just aren’t easy to fold. So after setting that aside, I came across a mosque tiling from Iran which had a particularly interesting dodecagonal tessellation (more on these later, when I can post more photos & give it the proper writeup it deserves). In an attempt to generate a slightly easier variant of that mosque tiling, I …