links for 2006-03-31
Aperiodic Tilings Nice page on aperiodic tilings, dealing with Ammann, Kepler, Penrose, and others. (tags: geometry tiling aperiodic ammann kepler penrose geometric design art tessellations tessellation)
Aperiodic Tilings Nice page on aperiodic tilings, dealing with Ammann, Kepler, Penrose, and others. (tags: geometry tiling aperiodic ammann kepler penrose geometric design art tessellations tessellation)
pollenating-butterflies-front Originally uploaded by noisia. Noisia (a wonderfully creative newcomer to origami tessellations) folded this great remix of Fujimoto’s Hydrangea and Crowding Butterflies, giving it the title of “Pollinating Butterflies”. I think this is a wonderful design- taking the Hydrangea model (how many times have we seen this pattern over and over?) and making it fresh by adding in something new, breathing new life into the piece. It’s really creative work- stepping from learning tessellations to making such impressive stuff in a few weeks is amazing! There’s a lot of other interesting things there, too, and hopefully more to come. Keep up the good work!
Thomas Hawk has a great writeup on how to get more attention for your photos on Flickr. I’m not suggesting you engage in a furious effort of self-promotion, but his suggestions for tagging, posting, and other things are really quite useful and relevant, no matter how esoteric the subject matter (like origami tessellations, for instance). I think his suggestions about tagging are really the best, and most important- the more descriptive and useful tags your photos have, the more likely they are to be found. That can be either through flickr, through tag-browsing engines like Technorati or others, or through search engines like Google. It’s a positive thing all around. Good descriptive text and titles is also quite helpful, too. Anyhow, here’s the link: Thomas Hawk’s Digital Connection: Top 10 Tips for Getting Attention on Flickr
patterns – a photoset on Flickr Beautiful geometric patterns, illustrating many different tessellation types. Wonderful designs here, with 79 different images to date! (tags: patterns design artwork tessellation tesselation geometric flickr) Paper Kraft Ronnie Rementilla’s blog on papercraft and other paper arts. (tags: papercraft blog paper papel origami)
Work of Chris Palmer Originally uploaded by bkwebb. A rare glimpse of some of Chris Palmer’s more recent work, compliments of Brian Webb. It’s from the show/talk that Palmer, Lang, and Allen did at Fermilab in October 2005. You can read a bit more about the event here. Very nice to finally see some works by Palmer that are somewhat current! He’s really just an amazing artist, and I wish there was more material out there to study. Thanks again for posting this, Brian!