Month: March 2006

folding paper lamp by Kouichi Okamoto

From the website: This beautifully unique lampshade is expertly handcrafted from Denguri paper found locally in the Shikoku region of Japan. The honeycomb paper diffuses the light creating a soft, gentle glow. It is designed by Kouichi Okamoto, and manufactured by Kyouei Co. Ltd., Japan. He’s got some rather impressive and unique design concepts- you can see some more information on his designs here. This is a really neat design, and I like the shipping/packaging of it. I’m wondering what this Denguri paper is? [via designboom]

Another fascinating lamp

My good friend Mélisande pointed out this fantastic, funky lamp- guessing quite correctly that I would want to add it to my collection of strange lighting designs. Spoiler, though- as near as I can tell, it’s made entirely of wire. As a huge Slinky fan this works for me, but your mileage may vary… You can see more photos and info here:

links for 2006-03-12

Beautiful Photos of Iran A visual tour of Iran, with photos and historical commentary on the various regions of the country. The photos of mosque tilings in Isfahan are particularly beautiful and artistically inspirational. (tags: iran photos isfahan tehran yazd mosque tiling tessellations geometry mosaic art) Maphalda: Venezuelan Punk Some amazingly good punk H/C from 3 amazing girls in Venezuela. (tags: Mafalda Maphalda punk hardcore music grrls venezuela)

Octuple Helix Compass Rose Jar

Octuple Helix Compass Rose Jar Originally uploaded by oschene. Oschene does it again. He’s an endless source of interesting geometric folding ideas, it seems! He posted a CP at the link above, I highly suggest downloading it and trying it out. His work is easy to learn and remember, and makes for great on-the-road folding!