Continuing with the ideas of using negative space to form shapes, I tried to fold a traditional 5-pointed star. This required figuring out a few things, and to make life significantly easier for me I created a pretty simple crease pattern to use. However, a lot of the fold relationships with pentagons aren’t as easy to work out, and things don’t fold out to be easy distances like 1:2; with pentagons, they are primarily 1:1.6…, or 1/phi. I love the number Phi, and it’s really a fantastic thing, but folding it isn’t as easy! I’m sharing this example just to show it’s certainly possible, and hopefully to spur some other people on to see what they can do with the same sorts of ideas. Here’s some photos of what I was working on; the backlit image has one corner which is folded differently, to illustrate the same kind of concept I used on my 6 sided stars. figuring out where to put all the creases was pretty tricky, although if I was doing it again …