Month: April 2006

Caio Malta fight video

This is totally unrelated to origami, but I thought I’d post it anyway. My Brazilian co-worker was in an “Ultimate Cage Fight” this last weekend- he knocked out his opponent in 7 seconds with one kick. My wife and I went to the event, which honestly was pretty bizarre- but it was really fun to cheer for my friend and see him accomplish what he has been training for these last 6 months. here’s the link: Don’t watch this if you’re easily disturbed! Looking forward to your next crazy cage fight, Caio. See more info from his friend’s website here, including photos and the fight poster. This won’t be a common sidestep from my normal website content, but it was just weird enough to share it with those of you who know me. For those of you who don’t- this isn’t my normal taste in entertainment 🙂 -Eric

My Latest Folding

My Latest Folding Originally uploaded by Ori-gomi. Here’s what I’ve been up to lately. rest of post blatantly ripped from my flickr page: So, I haven’t posted much origami lately. There’s a few reasons for this. We had some family issues with surgery, and then with everyone being sick, which really isn’t all that is conducive to artistic creation. That’s been an ongoing problem for a few weeks, and thanks to those of you who gave me some support through that, I appreciate it. …and the other thing is that I have been doing a lot of folding that just isn’t something that is worth sharing! I’ve been playing around with octagons, dodecagons, and other many-sided polygons and their various uses in making tessellation designs; however, much of my test folds are incomplete partial sections that are useful only for me, as a reference fold. Hopefully all this playing around will yield some fruit, in the form of a larger tessellation of more complex shapes, but I’m not quite sure how that is going to …

Help Digg Joel!

If you have a Digg account, please take a minute to go “digg” a link to Joel’s origami: The more “diggs”, the more visibility the story gets. Thanks! -Eric

Origami crumpling

Origami crumpling Originally uploaded by Orbán Zoltán. Spotted: Floderer style crumpling, by a new flickr member- Orbán Zoltán. I enjoy the look of this kind of origami, although I can’t imagine where to even begin if I wanted to fold such a piece. There’s a number of great photos in the photostream, so make sure to check them out! -Eric