Month: August 2006

Double Pleat Hexagon Tessellation Instructions, available for download

Double Pleat Hexagon Tessellation Instructions, available for download

I just uploaded a new PDF of instructions for folding a Double Pleat Hexagon tessellation; you can download it here. It is released under the CC Non-Commercial Attribution license, which means you can do anything you want with it, other than sell it for $$$, or go around saying it’s your own. (which hopefully you’d be nice enough to not do anyway!) Let me know what you think. Thanks! -Eric Gjerde

Lightbox Testing: Joel Cooper, RAW vs. JPG

Lightbox Testing: Joel Cooper, RAW vs. JPG (Origami Tessellations) Originally uploaded by EricGjerde. Hey there- I’m doing some testing with a lightbox setup, and I could use some feedback. I’ve got a few photos in my photostream- more to come tomorrow- and I would like to know how they look at full resolution to you. good? bad? fuzzy? clear? I’m leaning towards shooting RAW files and doing a lot of post-processing, but it’s a lot of work to do. Maybe I’ll need to switch to film or actually go out on a limb and find someone with a 12+ Mpixel digital camera to do this thing right. Anyway, take a look- or look on my Photos Page and click on “Recent Photos” to see them. Thanks for your feedback. -Eric

Joel Cooper – Origami Tessellation Masks – Three Faces

triplet 2 Originally uploaded by origami joel. My friend Joel Cooper created this wonderful mask, with three interconnected faces. He brought the prototype for this piece with him to NYC and to our Brazil tessellation expo, but to see the finished work (and so quickly!) is really a pleasure indeed. It seems like something from mythology- take your pick: Greek, Roman, Norse, Chinese, Egyptian… almost all mythological stories involve a multi-faced figure in one way or another. And, admittedly, the work is a little creepy- the realism he achieves only serves to further this, I think. Many of Joel’s masks approach the Uncanny Valley in terms of their similarity to actual human faces. I don’t mean to lend credibility to this pseudoscientific theory, but for some of his work I find them strangely appealing and at the same time rather scary- perhaps because they do indeed seem like human faces frozen in time (and paper). For this reason, I think, my favorite mask is still the one that hangs on my living room wall: mostly …

Ron Resch Patent 3407558, waterbomb tessellations, and more

Christine Edison posted this lovely waterbomb tessellation photo, and had asked who designed it. Ray Schamp mentioned Tom Hull’s wonderful intro to 3d tessellations class at the 2006 OUSA convention, where Ron Resch’s work was heavily discussed. To facilitate further discussion on the topic, here’s Ron’s patent paperwork in PDF format- it’s expired and is now public domain. It’s quite nice to reference him, though, as he really is quite an ingenious creator. I need to buy a copy of his DVD that Tom was talking about. If I get one I’ll be sure to do a review of it. Anyhow, here’s his patent: Ron Resch, Patent # 3407558.

Tessellation Expo update

We’re coming into the last two days of the Tessellation Exposition here in Brasília, and it’s been a really fun week so far. I think these last two days will see a good amount of visitors- we have done a number of different press interviews, and were mentioned in the paper, etc. so I’m really hoping it pulls in some more foot traffic. All in all, I’ve been quite pleased with the whole event, even with a lot of last-minute changes, Andy Wilson’s pieces not showing up until 1 hour before the opening, and so on! We’ve taken a lot of pictures, which will take me several days to sort through. I had really wanted to give a better “day by day” update of what was happening but the internet access here has conspired against that possibility. One of the last items we’re talking about is the creation of an “official” expo booklet, with photos, information, and a selection of diagrams and/or CPs from the event. We’ve narrowed down the selection of items to be …