Year: 2006

Sketches by Marius Watz

I came across this wonderful set of computer-generated goodness on flickr today, via the photostream of Marius Watz (he’s also the superbrain behind generator.x, by the way!) Also much eyecandy at his work site, My processing skills are not up to snuff, so I live vicariously through the beautiful artwork of others. In looking through these, I found them so compelling and surreal that I felt they needed a bump- they’re too good not to share with you. -Eric

Crystallised honeycomb

Crystallised honeycomb Originally uploaded by Paper Mosaics. Alex Bateman makes amazing tessellations. If you didn’t already know this, stop by his website- it’s or check out his quickly growing Flickr photostream. This particular one is really something- it’s my favorite shape, modified in a way that I never would be able to do. His logic-powered tessellation kung-fu is strong, grasshopper.

Bronwyn Lace show @ Outlet

Bronwyn Lace in front of her show at Outlet Originally uploaded by nathaniel stern. I found this group of photos on Flickr, taken by Nathaniel Stern in Jo’burg, South Africa. Looks like it was an installation of contemporary art; he says this was over 4000 origami cranes, all of which she folded by hand. Wow. There’s about 4 more photos on his photostream, and definitely worth checking out.

Pollinating Butterflies (Fujimoto Remix)

pollenating-butterflies-front Originally uploaded by noisia. Noisia (a wonderfully creative newcomer to origami tessellations) folded this great remix of Fujimoto’s Hydrangea and Crowding Butterflies, giving it the title of “Pollinating Butterflies”. I think this is a wonderful design- taking the Hydrangea model (how many times have we seen this pattern over and over?) and making it fresh by adding in something new, breathing new life into the piece. It’s really creative work- stepping from learning tessellations to making such impressive stuff in a few weeks is amazing! There’s a lot of other interesting things there, too, and hopefully more to come. Keep up the good work!