Year: 2006

Folding a star in negative space

Folding a star in negative spaceOriginally uploaded by Ori-gomi. Working on some new ideas, and coming up with some methods for more complex tilings. It occurred to me that if I can’t fold a shape because it has non-convex vertices, then I can fold a set of shapes around it to create the shape out of “negative space”, and thusly hint to it’s existence even if it’s not actually there. So, this is a first in a series of experiments. There were MANY ways to collapse and fold this piece, and I had to settle on only one- that was frustrating! but it’s relatively easy to create, and if you do all the required precreasing it pretty much just falls into shape on it’s own. very neat. here’s the reverse (which is also beautiful!):

Photo pages update

not a huge deal, just upgraded to the latest version of FAlbum (0.6.4, in case you’re interested). It directly ties your flickr pages and photos into your WordPress blog, which just works amazingly well. It’s had a bunch of new features and updates installed, including permalink-friendly titling options, photo size choosing just like Flickr, the ability to add/change comments and titles from the web pages directly, etc. If you’re using WordPress at all, it’s really worth using. I highly recommend it. (And my apologies to the swedish reader who was browsing through all the photos! I cut you off mid-browse. Sorry about that. It should be all better now.) -Eric

Tessellations Galore @ Orimeeting in Santiago

Jose posted this large gallery of photos from the recent Orimeeting in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The best part, though? He put up another whole section of tessellation photos! There are some really beautiful ones in here, including quite a few that I have never seen before- designed by people I have never heard of. Time for me to start doing some research! Tessellation Gallery Link

Folding the Impossible, redux

tessellated stars, by Origomi Took the “impossible” folding routine to a larger scale, and I was quite pleased with how it turned out. Rest assured, though, that I won’t be incorporating cutting into my future work- I think this was a one-time thing just to satisfy my desire to see this pattern realized in paper. And, as always, something new was discovered in the folding of this, which hopefully will allow me to achieve some previously unobtainable goals. Happy folding!

infinite hurricanes

infinite hurricanes – close-up Originally uploaded by origami joel. Joel folded a tessellated version of a design by infinite-origami on flickr. It looks like it was an absolute terror to fold! Congratulations to both of you, on coming up with such an interesting concept and taking the time to fold it out. Keep up the good work! reverse side: