ORIPA; Origami Pattern Editor – English Language Page – PukiWiki-ORIPA ORIPA is now available localized in English, as of version 0.16. This is the new english language page with instructions and downloads for the english language version. (tags: origami ORIPA pattern editor software free Junmitani geometry) AZUMA Hideaki: ManyFolds in Variety Hideaki Azuma’s origami blog- fantastic mathematical designs and ideas! long overdue to be linked on my del.icio.us page. He creates a lot of unique designs using curves and pleats- sometimes very intense, and very beautiful. (tags: origami geometry mathematics azumahideaki paperfolding 折り紙) BIT EDITIONS DIY LED low-rez movies, up to 1,984 frames long. you send them the animation, they send you the LED panel with your animation programmed into it! not a bad price for such a cool idea. (tags: DIY LED art lowrez animation)