Year: 2006

new translation plugin

I just installed automatic machine translation for my blog- you can now autotranslate into German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. what a handy little plugin- just click the flag in the upper right hand corner! and you can bookmark the translated pages, no less. very cool. I notice a lot of visitors running my site through Google and Babelfish translations, so hopefully this will save those folks some time. Thanks to CW @ futurefeeder for the great plugin tip.

Leaf (by Hideaki Azuma)

Leaf Originally uploaded by Mélisande*. Melisande folds up this stellar model from AZUMA Hideaki, who’s blog ManyFolds in Variety is noteworthy reading (and previously unmentioned on this blog, apparently. not sure how I missed posting it!) This particular version is a modification by Melisande, which I think I actually like more than the original.

Fin Shelter

Fin_Shelter_07.jpg Originally uploaded by rivermare. browsing through tags on flickr, and found this! some beautiful artwork made with a laser cutter- check out the whole photostream for some more artistic goodness. life-sized tessellations look like fun. anyone want to spot me the $15k to pick up a laser cutter?

ORIPA update

Roberto Soto posted this email to the Origami-L mailing list: I just found this Java based program named ORIPA. It’s a program to create crease patterns (or to draw existing crese patterns), but the funny thing is that it can actually show youde finished model. I was just wandering if any of you have heard or read about it before?? the link: I had to reply to this, of course- ORIPA is a wonderful software tool, and deserves more attention from the western origami world. I was pleased to find that Jun Mitani had localized it to English, and made an English language page with instructions for how to get it working. That’s a lot of extra work for him, especially with a new baby at home, and I’m very grateful he took the time to do that. Here’s my reply to the O-list. I wrote a bit about this program on my site a few months ago: Jun Mitani’s program is quite an excellent one, which works out amazingly well for folding …

links for 2006-02-16

Random Tessellations of the Plane I think I’m addicted. someone else finds this stuff as fascinating as I do! Voronoi tessellations, Delaunay triangulation, and other random and quasi-random tessellations & geometry. (tags: voronoi tessellation tessellations delaunay random geometry geometric math mathematics polygons)