Year: 2006

( tessellation by Thomas Hull

( tessellation Originally uploaded by tomster0. So on my daily early morning reading, I found this post on Tom Hull’s LiveJournal site. He created a flickr account (tomster0) and uploaded a nice little pile of his old tessellations, as well as crease patterns for many of them. “Oh Frabjous Joy!” was the first thought that popped into my head on reading this. He mentions that he folded these back in his grad school days (94-95), inspired by the works of Fujimoto and Palmer. I have to say that there is something particularly gratifying about seeing these kinds of things folded by a math professor, as his understanding of the underlying geometries is above and beyond the rest of us mathematical laymen. Hopefully we can convince him to post these to the Origami Tessellations photo pool on flickr. They would certainly be a more than welcome entry! This particular photo, his tessellation, is a new pattern to me… he mentions that it’s the first time (to his knowledge) that dodecagon twists were successfully incorporated into …

Happy New Year!

祝您 豿年新年快楽! Fook Originally uploaded by hale_popoki. From my flickr friend Tina, who is most likely the coolest teacher in San Francisco. “Fook” (rhymes with “book”….in Cantonese) is the Chinese character for good fortune/good luck. Part of the kindergarten teacher’s Chinese New Year bulletin board display at my school. Made from lucky red envelopes. (my apologies to all those literate readers for mixing Mandarin and Cantonese on the same page.)

links for 2006-01-28

Making Light: The life expectancies of books A wonderful article on the reality of today’s “Life of author + 70 years” copyright, and it’s impact on the publishing world. (tags: copyright publicdomain books publishing freedom reality)

links for 2006-01-27

shetkaSTONE – Products made from recycled paper. fully recycled building material made from paper- created right down the road from my house. (tags: paper recycling building construction ethicalreuse) Unicorn Precinct XIII Hacker / Social Activist B&B. things to do in san francisco. (tags: SF sanfrancisco hacker house upxiii)

Star spring, standing

Star spring, standing Originally uploaded by Melisande*. Mélisande folded one of Fujimoto’s designs after some long hard work looking for the crease pattern. Here’s her flickr text: ————- Creator : Shuzo Fujimoto CP in book : Origami El Mundo Nuevo, by Kasahara, published 1989 by Sanrio(Japan), ISBN 4387892544. This is a baby star spring : original model starts from square paper and has 10 stars. I was intimidated by the idea of collapsing points by rows of 10, so I reduced the thing to a rectangle 12/22. Here you see 5 stars and 2 half-stars instead of the 6 I’ve planned, I probably made a wrong valley/mountain assignement during collapse, cannot read japanese instructions. Nevertheless, I’m glad how it turned out. It is a wonderfull model, another side of Fujimoto’s genius. I don’t know if it should be called a tessellation ? Maybe it is closer to box-pleating ? Infinite-origami made last year a ridged triangle tessellation that shares some similarities with the above. I’ve seen this before, in the photos of Dribalz (Dr Eyeballs?), …