Year: 2006

More tessellation masks from Joel Cooper

I received an email this morning with 3 more wonderful pieces from Joel Cooper. His origami tessellation 3d masks are really astounding works of art. There are 2 new masks here, as well as a backlit photo of the mask previously shown in this post. Here they are- click the image for the full-size version.

Kunihiko Kasahara Geometric Designs

I found these wonderful geometric (tessellated?) origami models on one of my favorite Japanese origami blogs: ATELIER Silver-Hobby | 笠原 邦彦作「長方形の珠」2 There’s quite a few models displayed, many from Kunihiko Kasahara- who’s work I greatly admire. You can see a large selection of some of the great posts (and photos) by looking under the “origami” category, here: 折り紙 Here’s some other great model photos to whet your appetite. There are well over 100 posts, so check it out! and make sure to add it to your feed reader, so you can check out the new stuff that gets posted all the time. And while you’re at it, we offer RSS feeds too…

12 sided calendar polyhedra

I’ve bookmarked the direct link to this before, but I like Paper Forest’s writeup on this item, and it’s certainly a site worth checking out if you’re into papercraft and paper art things. In case you’re one of the 3 people left on the planet who hasn’t been exposed to this meme ad-infinitum!

links for 2006-01-03 » Blog Archive » Iris Folding Project #3 – Oval Iris Folding scrapbooking project- great idea for old photos in a scrapbook. (tags: scrapbook scrapbooking irisfolding iris folding paperfolding papercraft crafty) Teapot and Teabag Saucer “teapot for two” and used bag saucer with witty labels. (tags: teapot tea saucer dishware giftideas) 12 sided calendar online PDF generator for 3d single-sheet polyhedra calendars, including pentagonal polyhedrons and others. multi-lingual, and adjustable by year, week orientation, etc. (tags: 3d papercraft paperfolding pentagon polyhedra оригами howto geometry generator folding download design origami paper craft crafts)

Chris Palmer’s Polypouches

I’ll be perfectly honest: I never understood what Chris Palmer was doing with his “PolyPouches”. I had tried going to his website a few times to find out information about his work (no luck there!) but all I found were these things he was calling PolyPouches, and it asked me to buy a subscription to find out more. I just shrugged it off at the time, having no idea what they were thus not a lot of interest. However, the other day I came across this site which features photos from an Origami USA convention in 2001. And by looking at this wide array of them, I figured it out- they are the shapes that are formed at pleat intersections; the kind that those of us just getting started in tessellations are discovering as we go along. He’s already mastered all of this, of course, but for us it’s new. Once I realized that was what these were, it really opened my eyes to some of the possibilities inherent in 3d pleat junctures and just …