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Berlin workshops at Berlinische Galerie Jan 05 & Jan 12

Hello all! just a quick note that I’ll be visiting Berlin these next two weeks giving workshops at the Berlinische Galerie – the first workshop is sold out but I believe there are still a few seats for the second one on January 12th.

This is a series of workshops called “Vorkurs üben” organized by the Bauhaus Archiv as part of the “Original Bauhaus” exhibition.

I’m looking forward to presenting these workshops on behalf of the Bauhaus Archiv – I’ve done several things for them over the last two years and this is a great closure to the 2019 Centenary year of the Bauhaus for me!

paper artifact from the Bauhaus

Upcoming workshops in Minneapolis and Berlin

paper artifact from the Bauhaus

Hello all – I have three upcoming workshop dates to announce, for my series “Paper Engineering from the Bauhaus: Josef Albers to the Modern Day“.

Paper artist Eric Gjerde leads a course of experimentation and discovery in the spirit of Josef Alber’s preliminary course, using historical paper art exercises and creations from the Bauhaus School as well as modern designs and ideas that build on the original concepts.

Students will take techniques and create their own works within various design constraints, in line with Bauhaus methodology. Our intent is to open minds and expand horizons (while also having a lot of fun playing with paper!) In line with the original Bauhaus workshops we will be working with our hands and basic tools only in an entirely analog format.

Course Languages: English

November 14th, 2019: Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN, USA

January 5th, 2020: Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, DE

January 12th, 2020: Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, DE


Reverse-engineering Bauhaus paper designs (part two)

My Bauhaus reverse-engineering work has been continuing this chilly springtime, and I wanted to share a few new pieces. (New to me, anyway, but definitely not new in any sense of the word!)

There’s three different items here. One is a cone-shaped structure – part of a large, extensive family of expanding cuts (See some interesting usage of this concept by Haresh Lalvani). I’ve just started digging into this – and each tiny tweak I make changes the results dramatically. Differences in cut length, spacing, width of rings, how many of them there are, the tensile strength of the paper… there’s a lot of factors to contend with! But I keep finding interesting new behaviors so this is certainly worth more exploration.

Another model is an elegant twisting spiral – a tiny version of a larger recreation of this original piece:

I’ve been entranced with this design since I first saw it 3 years ago, and I’m very glad to have finally figured out how to recreate it! There is currently a large version of this (1m / 3 feet) hanging in the middle of our family room, where it gets much attention from our young son.

The last piece is a fairly simple set of alternating papercuts, but it creates quite a lovely effect. I re-created this using the same proportions as one used in the MoMA 1938 Bauhaus exhibition. Of course, like any of these other models, one could use an endless variety of cuts and spacing, but this particular one is a slavish reproduction of the original (to my best ability). On my refrigerator at home I have a photo magnet I picked up last year at the Bauhaus Dessau gift shop, featuring a photo of the balconies of the Dessau building. I have to say I see a lot of similarities between this paper model and the building itself… I wonder which one came first?

If you’re interested in making some of these creations, consider signing up for my summer course – at a Bauhaus UNESCO world heritage site just outside of Berlin. Well worth it, in my opinion 🙂

Eric Gjerde, Bauhaus paper engineering

Paper Engineering from the Bauhaus: Josef Albers to the Modern Day

Eric Gjerde, Bauhaus paper engineering

I am teaching a week-long intensive paper engineering course this summer (July 23-28) at the International Summer School, taking place in the UNESCO World Heritage site Bauhaus Denkmal Bundesschule Bernau (DE). This is my second year at the Summer School, and my first time teaching a standalone paper course there. I’m super excited to be returning and I’ll have suitcases full of crazy paper art to share with my students. You should come be a part of it!

Eric Gjerde, Bauhaus paper engineering

My course, titled “Paper Engineering from the Bauhaus: Josef Albers to the Modern Day“, will draw upon my research into the preliminary course of Josef Albers as well as my own practice as a paper artist. Students will spend 5 days exploring a number of different forms of paper engineering, culminating with a presentation to the school of their collective works.

Here’s the course descriptive text, with more info:

One of the mainstays of the Bauhaus preliminary course for first-year students was working with paper – to make something more with it that still spoke to the essential qualities of the paper itself. These exercises led them on a path of self-discovery and observational “learning through doing.”

Paper artist Eric Gjerde leads a course of experimentation and discovery in the spirit of Josef Alber’s preliminary course, using historical paper art exercises and creations from the Bauhaus School as well as modern designs and ideas that build on the original concepts. Paper architecture, pop-up structures, origami tessellations, kirigami, and complex crumpling are some of the techniques students on this course will explore.

In this course we will follow a Bauhaus / Black Mountain College style form of discussion, open exercises and experimentation, and constructive group critique. Students will take techniques and create their own works within various design constraints, in line with Bauhaus methodology. Our intent is to open minds and expand horizons (while also having a lot of fun playing with paper!)

Eine der Hauptsäulen des Bauhaus-Vorkurses in den ersten Semestern war die Arbeit mit Papier – eine Auseinandersetzung mit den wesentlichen Qualitäten des Materials und allem, was sich darüber hinaus aus dem „flachen“ Papier ergeben kann. Die Übungen sollten den Studierenden einen Weg der Selbstfindung aufzeigen und waren ein wichtiger Impuls für das „Lernen durch Tun“.

Der Papierkünstler Eric Gjerde führt – ganz im Geiste des Vorkurses von Josef Albers – einen Experimentier- und Forschungskurs durch, bei dem historische Papierkunstübungen und -kreationen des Bauhauses sowie moderne Entwürfe und Ideen, die auf den ursprünglichen Konzepten aufbauen, zum Einsatz kommen. Papierarchitektur, Pop-Up-Strukturen, Origami Tessellations, Kirigami und komplexes Crumpling sind einige der Techniken, die die Teilnehmer/-innen dieses Kurses erforschen werden.

In diesem Kurs werden wir – wie am Bauhaus oder Black Mountain College – diskutieren, offene Übungen und Experimente durchführen und uns einer konstruktiven Gruppenkritik stellen. Die Teilnehmer/-innen werden neue Techniken erlernen und anwenden und ihre eigenen Arbeiten im Geist der Bauhaus-Methodik erstellen. Unsere Absicht ist es, den Horizont zu erweitern und eine neue Sicht auf das Material Papier zu ermöglichen.

I’ve been going pretty deep into researching paper artworks at the Bauhaus – from my time working at the American Craft Council, with their wonderful reference library containing many books on the subject, to an upcoming visit I’m making at the end of April to the Albers Foundation in Connecticut. I now have a dedicated bookshelf to my Bauhaus reference material in my office, which is groaning a bit under the weight of all these thick tomes. But all of this has been a fantastic journey, discovering pieces of the pedagogical puzzle of Josef Albers, and working to re-create many of the artistic tasks he set his students to explore.

I look forward to sharing these with my own students this summer and seeing what interesting results they discover.

Eric Gjerde, Bauhaus paper engineering

Bauhaus Foundation Course instructional booklet

Bauhaus Foundation Course working with paper Eric Gjerde


Here’s a PDF of my Bauhaus Foundation course handout from 2017; it’s been sitting here on my computer for months now and it seems high time to share it. This is all based on my research into the preliminary course / foundation course work of Josef Albers, and the folding exercises he taught his students at both the Bauhaus and the Black Mountain College in Asheville, NC.

It’s a few simple models, including the Hypar (as shown above), a herringbone corrugation pattern, a basic Floderer-esque crumpling piece, and a pleated wave (from Goran Konjevod). We touched on more work during our course but these needed the most instruction, so they were diagrammed.

All that being said, I vastly prefer to walk students through folding, crumpling, and cutting things by hand without instructional sheets – I don’t want them to just follow a handout and duplicate what they see. I want them to experience the process and think about it so they may find new ways of doing it in their own style. They are learning exercises, after all!

There’s two versions to download: one is in A5 booklet format, the other the same content but as separate pages. I’d recommend the booklet PDF for printing, and the other for digital viewing.

Bauhaus Foundation Course instructions (A5 booklet) PDF

Bauhaus Foundation Course instructions (individual pages) PDF