Check out the wonderful Kirigami made by my wife, Bekah. She just started doing this a few days ago! Absolutely amazing how quickly she picks up new crafts!
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Origami Rose by Oschene

Philip Chapman-Bell, also known on the origami circuit as Oschene, just posted a crease pattern for this absolutely wonderful origami Rose, folded from a circle of paper. It has pentagonal symmetry! Marvelous!
Visit his website and download the CP.
Furthermore, as with all of his works, it is released under a very permissive Creative Commons license, which permits people to share, copy, print, and modify his designs, with a few limitations (share your creations under the same license, and no commercial use.) This is a great way to publish origami materials, as it allows individual users worldwide to use and share to their heart’s content while protecting the work from commercial exploitation by ethically-challenged people. Win-win, as far as I can see. I encourage you to think about releasing some diagrams in the same way, fearless reader!
Joel Cooper’s Basket Weave, Crease pattern
This is a crease pattern for Joel Cooper’s “Basket Weave” design, which features so prominently in many of his tessellation designs. It may have other origins as well- Joel has said as much; however, I have only seen it in his work, and that’s the first place I saw this, so until I see otherwise I’m crediting him with the design.
That being said, here’s two different CP’s for it: one without a grid, and one with a grid. I highly recommend looking at the grid version to understand the spacing for this design, as it’s rather tightly packed together when folded.
To see some photos of what this looks like when folded, peruse some of Joel Cooper’s mask photos; or check out the examples I folded a while back, here.
Wonderful Paper Sculptures by Clive Stevens
Some absolutely stunning paper artwork made by Clive Stevens. I think this is perhaps the best paper cutting I have seen in this genre to date. Wow.
(Erik the Red, of course picking an example that follows my own personal tastes…)
Follow the link to check out his several galleries of beautiful work!
Thanks to the great people at the russian site Hand Made for the link.
updated 2016 – a full ten years later! – to point to Clive’s new site. Waterbomb / Flagstone Tessellation, Crease Pattern
If you are so inclined, I uploaded two different crease patterns for this design:
- Waterbomb/Flagstone Tessellation, crease pattern (with grid)
- Waterbomb/Flagstone Tessellation, crease pattern (no grid, as pictured above)
I’m really at somewhat of a loss on what to name these tessellations. If folded fully they become flagstone tessellations, ala Joel Cooper; if left three-dimensional, they are “waterbomb” style tessellations (although waterbomb is the wrong term for us to use here, but we’ll dispense with that argument for the moment.)
Regardless, this is a tessellation- the old standard, triangles and hexagons together.
When you fold “normal” tessellations, the twists are always the dual of the tessellation you are folding. (For example, the tessellation has a dual made up of rhombic stars- and the rhombic star tessellation, when folded, has hexagon and triangle twists, which most people actually think of as a tessellation even though it’s really the dual of that…)
However, with these “waterbomb” tessellations, there seems to be a little bit of change due to the geometry involved. I still think they use the same “my twists are my dual” rule, but it’s a little different in how it folds out in the end, and I haven’t quite figured it all out yet.
This pattern (which I am currently folding) is really quite complicated to collapse. Much trickier than I thought it would be. However, I think the results will be quite interesting and worth the time spent.
It’s not really a full CP- many of the little creases for the hourglass shapes aren’t there- but I think you can figure it out if you fold these sorts of things.