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First International Origami Tessellation Exposition

I’m pleased to announce an international exhibition on origami tessellations, July 29th through August 6th at the Jardim Botânico in Brasília, Brazil.

This is one of the first origami events focusing entirely on origami tessellations, and should prove to be an exciting time for all of those who enjoy this particular folding niche.

Featured artists include:

Jane Araújo (Brazil)

Christiane Bettens (Switzerland)

Joel Cooper (USA)

Eric Gjerde (USA)

As well as several other tessellation artists submitting work, including Andy Wilson ( and Lorenzo Marchi (

The art exhibition at the Jardim Botânico is open from 9 AM to 5 PM; the facility is closed on Mondays. Concurrent to that, there will be a week of private meetings and folding get-togethers, so if you’re in the area please get in touch with me and I can give you more information on the schedule.

Our intention is to release a booklet at the end of the exhibition; additional information on that will be posted on the O-list when it is available.

Sources for further information include the origami tessellations group on Flickr, at; and my website, at

-Eric Gjerde


Estaremos realizando entre os dias 29/07 e 06/08 a primeira exposição internacional de tessellations no Jardim Botânico de Brasília.
Estarão presentes os seguintes artistas:
Christiane Bettens

Eric Gjerde

Jane Araújo

Joel Cooper

além de trabalhos de outros origamistas ao redor do mundo.

A exposição estará aberta ao público das 9:00 às 17:00 horas, diariamente.

-Jane Araújo

Ralf Konrad joins Flickr!


Originally uploaded by origami-online.

I was extremely excited to see that Ralf Konrad had joined Flickr today!

He’s just got a few photos online right now, but I’m looking forward to seeing more- hopefully we can convince him to join in on all the conversations in the Origami Tessellations photo group.

Every time we get a new member, the global “brain trust” of the group grows exponentially- all the ideas bouncing off each other seem to multiply more so every time a new river of thought joins the main stream!

Welcome, Ralf! I’m very excited to see you in our group- I’ve admired your work for quite some time now, and I’m looking forward to a great exchange of ideas and thoughts in the months to come!

Origami Tessellation tutorial links

We have a new discussion thread on the origami tessellation photo group, on Flickr- with photos and links to the various tutorials different members have created and posted. It’s a good place to group some of this stuff together, so if you’ve created a step-by-step tutorial or something similar and you’ve got a flickr account, please post a link to it in the thread!

If you’re curious about tessellations, some of these tutorials might be helpful to you figure out how people make some of their designs!

Origami Tessellation artwork of Christine Edison

I had the great pleasure of meeting Christine Edison at the OUSA convention in NYC a few weeks ago, and she has been quite busy since then folding wonderful tessellations- take a look at her new Flickr photostream, and check out all the tessellation goodness!

Welcome, Christine!

I’m very happy to see more tessellation folders on Flickr; we have a wonderful community there, and it’s full of positive reinforcement, idea sharing, and all sorts of great people. If you like tessellations, why don’t you consider joining? It’s free, and it’s a lot of fun!