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Tessellations by Danilo from Chile

Danilo from Origami Chile sent me these wonderful photos. Apparently they set up an exhibition in the main library in Santiago, Chile last friday (3/31). It sounds like this piece started out as a .7m x 3m sheet of Kraft paper, and ended up as a 45cm x 1.45m final work- that’s really big!

Danilo did a wonderful job of folding this- he credited me on the name plate for it, but I know for a fact that Fujimoto (and many, many others) have folded it before I did. It’s a natural folding pattern for a tessellation of diamond shapes based on equilateral triangles.

This highlights the importance of sharing ideas and images, though- I don’t know if Danilo has ever seen those other works, and I know that I didn’t see any of them until recently. So it’s important to share knowledge, everyone!

Thanks again Danilo for sending these photos- it’s a wonderful job you did folding this, and I’m very happy to see tessellations in a public display!

2006 Tessellation Contest

Before you get your hopes up, this isn’t about origami- so all 10 of you out there who fold origami tessellations can put your paper down.

Pedagoguery Software has an annual art contest for users of their Tess tessellation creation software; this year’s contest page can be found at the following link.

Here’s last year’s winner:

Koi, by Odebo Babiuk

Another nice one from 2004’s contest:

Pinwheel 1AB, by Denise Smith

Here’s the full contest info from their website:

Once a year, we run our Tessellation contest. One prize-winning entry from each year is shown on the right; click on one to see all from that year.
We are now accepting entries for our 2006 contest! To enter
download and install Tess,
register Tess (if unregistered) using “Contest” for both name and code,
explore and experiment, and
send in your entries and accompanying information by email to
No purchase necessary.

2006 Prizes

Grand Prize

a set of die-cast polyhedra models,
a site license for Tess for a school of the winner’s choice, and
an individual license for Tess.

First Prize

a set of die-cast polyhedra models, and
an individual license for Tess.

Second Prize

a set of die-cast polyhedra models, and
an individual license for Tess.

Runner-up Prizes

a set of die-cast polyhedra models and
an individual license for Tess.

Outstanding Entries

an individual license for Tess.

Monetary prizes are in US dollars.

2006 Rules

Each entry must be in the form of a Tess file.
Each entry must be given a title and be accompanied by the contestant’s name, email address, postal address, and age (if the contestant is 18 or over, specifying “adult” is fine). For contestants under the age of 18, a letter of consent must be given by a parent or legal guardian of the contestant. Contestants are encouraged to include a short description of their entry.
Entries can be emailed to
Entries must be received by May 16, 2006.
A maximum of three entries from each contestant will be considered.
The winners will be announced on May 25, 2006.
The contest is not open to employees, or members of their immediate families, of Pedagoguery Software or its associates.
Judging will be performed by employees of Pedagoguery Software.
By sending in an entry, the contestant certifies the work is their own original work.
By sending in an entry, the contestant is giving Pedagoguery Software a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free right to use that entry in any way. Whenever an entry is used, a credit will be given to the contestant unless the contestant requests otherwise.

links for 2006-04-04