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links for 2006-03-06

Star Twist Tessellation v2.1 Crease Pattern

I updated and cleaned up my crease pattern for the Star Twist Tessellation v2.1, and posted it to my diagrams page.

This is one of my favorite designs, although it’s a bit tricky to fold. I’d like to figure out a better folding sequence, but right now all I have is a large, all-at-once collapse method.

Anyhow, give it a try, if you are so inclined. It’s a beautiful pattern, and it repeats infinitely. It would probably be better to call this a “geometric progression” instead of a tessellation, but I’m not going to nitpick about it for the time being.

Licensed under the Creative Commons non-commercial, attribution license. Some rights reserved. (this means you can distribute and use it freely for non-commercial use, as long as you mention who made it!)

Star Twist Tessellation v2.1

Mosque Tiling with negative space, WIP

The rendered product. hard to see with this paper, but it is a pattern of hexagon shapes in a hexagonal grid, connected by large stars with smaller stars set into them.

There’s a lot more that could be packed into this pattern, or changes made to the general folding of it- it’s quite flexible. the 90/120/90/60 intersections (the tips of the interior stars) are quite easy to fold, and that particular pleat/crease intersection can be made into dozens (literally!) of different things. It was hard for me to decide on this particular tiling and folding sequence.

Anyway, let me know what you think. I’ll use some unryu next time around.

Mosque Tiling with negative space, WIP

mosque tiling with negative space, WIP