Jose sent me a link to this wonderful origami brooch he made.
It’s great to see ideas take root and grow! keep creating and sharing your work. it’s great!
Jose sent me a link to this wonderful origami brooch he made.
It’s great to see ideas take root and grow! keep creating and sharing your work. it’s great!
Brian Chan folded this amazing model of his late dog, Amber.
I think it’s one of the best representational origami models I have seen, ever.
And definitely one of the cutest!
my apologies, Brian- I knew that your dog passed away, but somehow I didn’t put the two together until Boaz reminded me. This design makes a wonderful tribute, indeed.
James Mellers created this wonderful calculator for Phi.
It allows you to calculate the proportion for any given number to Phi, so you can find the Golden Ratio for any given number you choose! Much fun, and very Phi-tastic.
It’s a free download for Windows, Mac, and anything else that can play Flash.
Thanks for the great little tool, James!
via Make: Blog
Just saw this posted by Jane earlier today- it’s a wonderful work in progress using rhombic twists to make a great star pattern.
looking forward to seeing this thing tiled out on a larger scale!
keep up the good work, Jane!
Trying to figure out some tessellations; I found a really convenient tool for tiling.
well, somewhat convenient- I’d really prefer a more rigid location mechanism, but right now I’ll take what I can get.
If someone out there can explain to me how to accomplish this sort of thing in Mathematica, I’d be deeply indebted to you.
oh! the applet is located here.