seriously cool 3d tessellations; do you like Hoberman Spheres? then check this out.
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organic lamp
I promise that I don’t fixate on lamps all the time, honest.
I just really like lights, and created sculptures lit from within. Always have, actually, even when I was a little kid.
Thanks for the photos, Jane!
UPDATE: Jane says she got the instructions here, and also uploaded photos from a magazine (in Portuguese) here.
here’s another shot of it:
Paper architecture by Ingrid Siliakus
Paperarchitecture by Ingrid Siliakus
I saw a post on Papierfalten mentioning Ingrid Siliakus’ new website [http://ingrid-siliakus.exto.nl]. She’s one of my favorite paper artists, who has extremely refined designs in paper architecture (also known as origamic architecture, although she prefers the former to the latter).
My favorite feature on her new site is this:
White Book is a gallery of work inspired by the novel Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. It’s a fictional novel set historically in the Chicago 1893 World’s Fair. My wife read this book and absolutely loved it, as well as several of our friends. I can’t wait to show her these amazing images. I think, however, they are supremely impressive in their own right, and I enjoy them just for the amount of new and fresh ideas they bring the genre. The artistic expression and lack of symmetry both really make the images jump out of the page (well, more than they already do, that is.)
Thanks for sharing your artwork with us, Ingrid. It’s wonderful.
(Ingrid and her work previously featured on this site here and here.)
(removed picture links, please visit Ingrid’s site to see them. thanks!)
links for 2006-02-14
another useful reference page with tessellation info and the requisite page full of links.
miriam’s Etsy Shop – http://felty.blogs.sapo.pt
My Flickr friend Miriam posted this link to her Etsy shop. If you’re not in the know on Etsy, it’s kind of like an Ebay for crafters- a direct person-to-person marketplace for craft goods. It’s like an enormous market or fair, but rather than lots of ugly pet rocks and macrame pot holders there’s actually some seriously cool stuff on there.
Miriam makes really cute felt artwork that is absolutely adorable (and I’m really not one for cute things, believe me.) but her work just pops. check it out!
She’s also got a crafty blog, here: http://felty.blogs.sapo.pt