artist local to minneapolis who does amazing geometric work in 2d, 3d materials.
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Origami Thoughts, a new origami blog
Mike (mike who? I need more info!) has a new origami blog, with some great writing and depth. I’m looking forward to more interesting topics and commentary.
His link to HQ PaperMaker, a direct-from-thailand paper sales company, was a golden find for me. I go through a lot of unryu just playing around with ideas, so being able to order 100 sheets of it for 38 cents a sheet is pretty worthwhile! even with the international shipping it’s cheaper than I’ve been paying at my local paper shop.
Thanks for the tip, Mike, I appreciate it.
Origami Experiment
Flickr origamist eightlines posted a set of photos of this wonderful geometric experiment.
I love the way it comes together in the center- very cleanly and simply. and it makes a great cup/bowl shape; industrial origami + rigid folding time! I wonder how hard it would be to press one of these out of PVC or something sturdier like ABS plastic.
These kinds of designs are difficult to fold, at least for me- it’s great to see someone make one that is so nice and crisp.
hop on over to flickr and take a peek, if you have a chance.
links for 2006-02-01
Origami Master Thomas Hull gets a flickr account, and uploads some of his old tessellation work. look and learn, people! some great stuff here. It’s like christmas in January.
[math professor + tessellations = crazy delicious.]
Red Algorithm.
Sometimes you find the most interesting things via your referrer links- I found the artwork of Roger Knox, who has some very interesting abstract art!
I particularly like this one, as it reminds me of particle trails from a supercollider (physics: my first love!)
some very organic, chaotic, and unique works. Glad to stumble across your site this morning, Roger!
And of course he lives in the City by the Bay, the Jewel of the west coast- San Francisco. I need a good excuse to move there. I’m open for suggestions. anyone?