All posts filed under: blog

Many, Many new works, and some news

It’s official- I give up on trying to keep up to date on what’s new in the Origami Tessellations Photo Group on Flickr. There has been so much new material posted in the last few weeks that I can’t even look at it all, much less keep tabs on it to make some cohesive posts! You guys have been very busy, which is wonderful. We’ve had a number of new people join lately, and add a whole bunch of new and interesting work- warm welcomes to syngola, Lorenzo, mimickr, bentho, ckn.niwatori, and Jonathan Miller (by way of Brian Webb). If I missed you here I’m sorry, let me know and I’ll update my list here. Also good to see some posts from Andy Wilson, Kevin (and his super strong tessellations- check out how much weight his tessellations held up!) and Alex Bateman, who ventured out into "pre-creased gridland" to give it a try. His latest version of Tess is looking really sweet, which reminds me that I need to get to work and compile it …

One Year Anniversary – Flickr Origami Tessellation Group!

It’s been one year since the Origami Tessellations photo pool was created, and we’re nearing 1000 photos with close to 100 members- with over 20 members who have actively contributed material to the group! This makes me really happy; when I started using Flickr a while back there really wasn’t origami tessellation content on here, and now there’s a healthy, growing community of friendly, fun people. This is all possible because of the positive, sharing spirit you have all shown to each other, and to new members joining in. I’d like to thank you all for being a part of something wonderful, and I hope we continue to share, contribute, and grow for years to come! Please feel free to comment on the discussion page on Flickr (or here, if you want!) -Eric

Works In Progress

Works In Progress Originally uploaded by EricGjerde. Flickr description text below, with more as a chaser! My first tessellation design, “spread hexagon”, being folded from some larger paper. Also, modified “negative space” stars, inspired by mosque tilings and my pursuit of pretty things. Both items to be displayed at the OUSA convention in June, and the Brasilia tessellation expo in July. Huge thanks to my good friend Jane for the precreased paper for this- without her help I would be in over my head right now! So, I’ve been doing a lot of folding lately trying to get some halfway decent pieces together for the 2006 OUSA Convention. I decided that I would fold up my first tessellation design, the “spread hexagon” tessellation, just because I’ve always been happy with it as a simple and pleasing pattern. It also doesn’t require backlighting or anything else complex from a viewing perspective, so that’s always a good thing. I suppose I should really be folding a larger version of it, but just folding this one- made out …

NYC Watch Out!

NYC Watch Out! Originally uploaded by EricGjerde. … because I’m coming to town! Going to be visiting the Origami Convention at the FIT from June 23-25, and then doing some work stuff until the 1st. If you’ve got suggestions on things to see, places to eat, or if you feel like meeting up and telling me what a geek I am in person, now’s a good time for it! I’ll (hopefully) have a decent display of my work at the OUSA convention exhibition during the weekend of the 24-25th, and I think it might be free to look around. By all means stop by if you have a chance. -Eric UPDATE : Rich says the following: Public Access is 10:30-12pm, 2:30-4:30pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Just a heads up on the timing! Come by and check it out!

Joel Cooper’s Pentagons and Negative Stars

I posted a CP of Joel Cooper’s very impressive piece titled “Pentagons and Negative Stars”, folded back in March. He drew out a CP for the design and posted it on his Flickr page, and with his permission I have recreated it as a PDF in vector format. For more details, go to the download page: